What is Early Support?
Early Support (formerly Early Intervention) encourages the growth, development, and learning of children birth to three years of age that are eligible for services. In Washington State, Early Support is called Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT)
Through parent partnerships, and specialty therapy and support, babies learn basic and brand-new skills, such as:
physical (reaching, rolling, crawling, and walking)
cognitive (thinking, learning, solving problems)
communication (talking, listening, understanding)
social/emotional (playing, feeling secure and happy)
self-help (eating, dressing)
In Whatcom County, the Opportunity Council and Whatcom Center for Early Learning are the two providers of early support services. Both agencies have Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Specialized Instructors, and Family Resource Coordinators on staff that provide therapy support for children receiving Early Support services.
WCEL is also proud to offer CHERISH™ (Children Encouraged by Relationships in Secure Homes), a program created by our partners at Kindering that supports the social and emotional well-being of children involved in the foster system, as well as the needs of their caregivers and parents. CHERISH™ includes relationship-based counseling, developmental guidance, and ongoing support, and is provided at no cost. Click here for more information about CHERISH™
The CHERISH™ Program
The CHERISH™ (Children Encouraged by Relationships In Secure Homes) program, created by our partners at Kindering, provides specialized support and therapy services for children in foster care and
their families. This Infant Mental Health program is designed to meet the unique needs of foster families and children birth to three years of age.
The focus of our program is to support strong relationships with key people in a child’s life and help problem solve around common issues of attachment, trauma, development, visitation, transitions, and behaviors.
The CHERISH™ team aims to minimize trauma, stabilize placements,and facilitate healthy transitions when necessary for children in the child welfare system. They work closely with other providers and agencies serving the families such as caseworkers, pediatricians, and guardians ad litem. While CHERISH™ staff do not advocate for a particular permanent plan, we support reunification whenever possible and encourage relationships between caregivers and parents. Each CHERISH™ team member has specialized training and receives ongoing support from Kindering’s CHERISH™ program.
Qualifying WCEL families will be connected to our CHERISH™ program during their intake process.
Fast Facts about Early Support
Sources: Masse, L. and Barnett, W.S., A Benefit Cost Analysis of the Abecedarian Early Childhood Intervention (2002);
Karoly et al., Early Childhood Interventions: Proven Results, Future Promise (2005);
Heckman et al., The Effect of the Perry Preschool Program on the Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills of its Participants (2009).
Source: The Zero to Three publications – a nonpartisan, research-based resource for federal and state policy makers
and advocates on the unique developmental needs of infants and toddlers.
To learn more about this topic or the ZERO TO THREE Policy Center, please check their website at www.zerotothree.org/policy.